Monday, January 28, 2008

5043: Fall And Rise.

Evolution of Dinosaurs in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• There’s excitement at Sears, as CEO Aylwin Lewis will step down and out on February 2. His interim replacement will be W. Bruce Johnson. “We are entering a new phase in Sears’ evolution as a multi-channel retailer, as reflected by the new operational structure we recently announced, and the board has determined that now is the right time to put in place new leadership to take the company forward,” said Chairman Edward S. Lampert. So far, Lampert could be labeled a multi-channel failure.

• Verizon announced 4Q 2007 earnings rose 3.9 percent. Guess we know where some of Sprint’s 683,000 former customers defected.

• Mickey D’s reported 4Q 2007 profits rose 3 percent. The average citizen’s waistline and blood pressure probably rose significantly higher.

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