Friday, February 01, 2008

5063: All Black Viewers Don’t Look Alike.

The story below appeared at, and is followed by brief MultiCultClassics commentary…

New Study Segments African-American Viewers Into 12 Demographic Groups

NEW YORK – In a new study unveiled at the NATPE Conference in Las Vegas, Starcom MediaVest has segmented the U.S. African-American population into 12 different demographic groups with names like “backboners” and “devouts.” The agency is partnering with Viacom’s Black Entertainment Television to more accurately measure how the 12 different demographic groups respond to different sorts of TV content. The long-term project is expected to go on for years.

First, Starcom MediaVest needs to consider an alternate name for “backboners.” Sounds like a gay porn series.

Nice to know there are 12 distinct Black consumer segments. So now there will be a dozen audiences receiving substandard marketing budgets.

Check out the 3 Minute Ad Age video here.

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