Wednesday, February 20, 2008

5148: Assorted Holdups.

Unfriendly service in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Wal-Mart apologized to a Muslim woman in Nevada who was mocked by a cashier because of her face veil. The cashier told the woman, “Please don’t stick me up.” Low prices. Low humor. Always Wal-Mart.

• The San Diego Minutemen continue to gripe over efforts to relocate them from an Adopt-A-Highway area near a Border Patrol checkpoint. The group filed a federal lawsuit seeking to return to the original site, plus collect payment of legal fees and $50,000. So much for the spirit of volunteerism.

• Amtrak announced plans to introduce a new process to randomly check passengers’ carry-on bags. “Given that terrorists have chosen passenger rail as one of their targets of choice, provided this doesn’t slow things down or require additional longer lines and waits, this plan is certainly worth trying,” said Sen. Charles Schumer of New York. Sounds like another opportunity for Minutemen involvement.

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