Thursday, April 10, 2008

5342: Black Thursday.

In the Black with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• News reports claim Naomi Campbell also threw racial slurs at Heathrow Airport cops during her latest meltdown, calling them, “Fucking White honkies.” Campbell allegedly thinks the incident was racially motivated and told a friend, “It just goes to show I have to fight for who I am. It’s because I’m Black.” That’s right. It has nothing to do with the supermodel being a raging lunatic.

• A moron in Ohio was arrested for allegedly sending threatening correspondence to Blacks for the past 20 years. His targets were Black men associated with White women, White women associated with Black men and biracial children. The man even threatened to blow up the U.S. Supreme Court and Justice Clarence Thomas. There are no reports showing the man’s intended victims included Naomi Campbell. Probably because she’s Black.

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