Tuesday, April 15, 2008

5360: Releasing Prisoners, Albums, Frustrations.

Spring cleaning in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Foxy Brown is fleeing prison on Friday, having served 8 months of a one-year sentence. The artist is being sprung early because officials decided she didn’t break any rules “considered serious enough to delay her release.” Also, she needs time to start working on her reality TV series before the fall season.

• Bill Cosby is releasing a hip hop album next month. Actually, the music collection will showcase Cosby’s concepts with a soundtrack featuring hip hop, pop and jazz. “I do not rap on any of these things,” said Cosby. “I wouldn’t know how to fix my mouth to say some of the words.” Hey, Foxy Brown will be available to record some last-minute tracks after Friday.

• The Detroit City Council is not playing with indicted Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, refusing to accept his budget recommendation. “It seems as if [dissing my budget presentation] could have happened in my office,” Kilpatrick responded. “Grandstanding is not beneficial to our citizens. … It was a total blindside. It was childish.” Sort of like finding out about lurid text messages sent to coworkers that contradict grand jury testimonies.

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