Thursday, May 01, 2008

5421: Coffee, Tea Or Nothing At All.

Thirsting for money in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Starbucks recorded a 28 percent drop in 2Q profits. “We continue to come under very heavy consumer pressure due to the economy,” said Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Howard Schultz. “Most retailers, restaurants, certainly other premium brands are facing similar headwinds.” Yeah, it’s known as the public is suddenly waking up to the outrageousness of paying big bucks for a cup of brown water.

• The U.S. Census Bureau reported that almost 25 percent of kids under age 5 are Latino. Perhaps Starbucks should consider introducing Latino Lattes.

• A growing number of Latino residents—over 3 million to date—have stopped wiring money to friends and family in their home countries. “The major dynamic that is holding them back from sending money is fear,” said a pollster who conducted the recent survey. “They don’t know whether they won’t be able to get a job anymore.” And they sure don’t want to waste their loot at Starbucks.

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