Sunday, May 18, 2008

5484: A Case Against Multicultural Ads.

What’s worse than this inane commercial? Seeing identically inane Caucasian and Latino versions.


  1. Anonymous11:45 AM

    euro-american is a better descriptor than caucasian....nobody identifies with the caucases....except polticians on the make.........
    Italian-American, German-American,
    Irish-American....all good but too specific....
    white is even better than caucasian altho some russians think whites means the pro-czarists.....AS OPPOSED to the reds...
    census bureau doesn't use caucasian any more........hispanic is a language group probably distinct from the notion of latino, but what would Latino designate to contrast it with caucasian....tho william buckley's first language was spanish, i don't recall his being called a hispanic....

  2. fyi, actually wrote caucasian because that's how it was identified on youtube.

  3. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Oh my god. That was awful. What is this ad saying about minorities?

    1) show them hot girl from their ethnic background because they won't find hot girl from other backgrounds attractive
    2) use their "language" cause you know they don't speak English like white people.

    I'm all about bringing in the cultural diversity of our current society into advertising, but can we do it well please?

  4. Actually, it probably had nothing to do with diversity. This is likely an example of the worst type of multicultural advertising. That is, you take the bad general market idea and produce identical versions with different talent for targeting minority groups. It sorta looked like the concept tried to create some misdirect—maybe viewers think the women are initially suggesting something sexual before revealing it’s just a buckle-up message. Regardless, it’s a shitty execution made more grotesque through versioning.
