Saturday, May 31, 2008

5529: Adweek Discovers Asian Americans.

Let’s close out Asian Pacific American Heritage Month with a contribution from the ever-culturally-clueless Adweek. The trade news source spotlighted a story titled, “Marketing to Asian Americans.”

Did Adweek reporters show case studies of targeted campaigns? No.

Did they interview any executives producing specialized, segmented work? Uh-uh.

Did Adweek staffers collect insights from advertisers wooing the diverse audience? Nope.

Adweek essentially shat out what looks like a PowerPoint presentation of U.S. Census-style factoids. It’s essentially the basic setup material an Asian American advertising agency might present to a new client. Certainly nothing that couldn’t be acquired via a standard Google search.

Another lackadaisical, lazy effort from the publication calling itself, “The Best Advertising Resource for Advertisers.”

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