Thursday, July 03, 2008

5651: Airport Insecurity.

Rough landings in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• American Airlines announced plans to cut 900 flight attendants. Nice way to celebrate Independence Day.

• United Airlines announced plans to start offering passengers larger snacks for $3 each. The idea must be to lure fat people in the hopes they can be charged for two seats.

• Wesley Snipes is still appealing his tax convictions, but a judge has allowed the star to travel abroad for filmmaking. Snipes probably views charges for onboard snacks as tax write-offs.

• DMX was busted at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport for outstanding warrants. Not sure why DMX would be at an airport. The man can clearly drive faster than most jets.

• Blockbuster withdrew its proposal to acquire Circuit City. Guess consumers aren’t the only ones refusing to buy at Circuit City.

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