Sunday, August 03, 2008

5774: Cynicism And Racism.

Political moves in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. said he would accept Barack Obama’s Senate seat if Obama is elected President. However, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich gets to make the decision, and he’s not a big Jackson fan. Hey, maybe Rev. Jesse Jackson could put in a good word for his son.

• Barack Obama, responding to the Republican campaign’s accusations that he had “played the race card,” called the John McCain campaign cynical versus racist. “In no way do I think that John McCain’s campaign was being racist,” said Obama. “I think they’re cynical. And I think they want to distract people from talking about the real issues. … They’re very good at negative campaigning. They’re not so good at governing.” Only in American politics can cynicism potentially be worse than racism.

• A Black reporter covering the McCain campaign in Florida was allegedly singled out and instructed to vacate a media area in Panama City. The man was among at least three other reporters—and the only Black among the reporters—standing near McCain’s campaign bus. He was asked to present his credentials by security personnel, then told to leave without explanation. When another reporter asked why, she was also removed from the area. A McCain spokesperson later remarked, “At the end of the day, [the] reporter was in the wrong place. I do not know why the other reporters were not moved. The rest of the local press should have been moved as well.” Perhaps McCain’s people were playing the race credentials. Or just being cynical.

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