Tuesday, August 05, 2008

5781: Spreading MADness.

Going mad in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Certain Circuit City stores temporarily pulled the latest MAD magazine from shelves after discovering a parody advertisement section from “Sucker City.” The spoof includes lines about Nintendo Wii, “Guaranteed In Stock … if you’re friends with an employee who hid it in the back for you. Otherwise, ooh, sorry, all sold out.” Circuit City wound up backpedaling over the in-store censoring. “We apologize for the knee-jerk reaction, and have issued a retraction order; the affected stores are being directed to put the magazines back on sale,” said a store spokesman. “The parody of our newspaper ad in the August MAD was very clever. Most of us at Circuit City share a rich sense of humor and irony … but there are occasional temporary lapses.” The issue will probably be the only thing Circuit City manages to sell this month.

• A new report presented the obvious: child meals at restaurant chains are loaded with calories. “Parents want to feed their children healthy meals, but America’s chain restaurants are setting parents up to fail,” said a nonprofit public health group official. “McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC and other chains are conditioning kids to expect burgers, fried chicken, pizza, French fries, macaroni and cheese and soda in various combination at almost every lunch and dinner.” Doesn’t help when parents are stuffing their own faces with high-calorie adult meals.

• Former President Bill Clinton insisted, “I am not a racist,” during a TV interview. “There are things I wished I said [while campaigning for his wife Hillary]. Things I wished I hadn’t said, but I am not a racist,” said Clinton in reference to comments he made about Senator Barack Obama. “I never made a racist comment and I didn’t attack him personally.” No, Clinton is not a racist. He’s something worse: a typical politician.

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