Friday, August 22, 2008

5849: Playing The Culture Cards.

The very best MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Hallmark is releasing a line of gay marriage cards. “It’s our goal to be as relevant as possible to as many people as we can,” said a Hallmark spokeswoman. Look for lots of usage of rainbow colors and the words pride and fabulous. Wonder if Hallmark will tap its Peanuts relationship and also integrate Peppermint Patty.

• The Coquille Indian Tribe in Oregon has adopted a law recognizing same-sex marriage. Tribal law experts believe the Coquille will be the first tribe to sanction such unions. Hallmark is probably creating a special card right now.

• Candy seller Mars plans to raise its prices in October. Wonder if Snickers bars will cost extra for GLBT consumers.

• Seems 50 Cent wound up talking with investigators after all regarding the fire that destroyed his Long Island home. However, no one’s talking about the details of the conversation. Maybe Hallmark can create a line of cards for… ah, never mind.


  1. Hm. That two-tux card has a bit of a Klaus Nomi chic to it, though the hearts inside are pretty much pure Hallmark.

    Well, just another store for the fungelicals to picket and whine about.

  2. Anonymous3:00 PM

    ...for gay Native African American rappers who like candy bars?
