Monday, September 01, 2008

5893: Mad Mention.

AMC series Mad Men seems to be losing its edge. And the show never had much of an edge to begin with, despite the contentions of its adoring fans and critics.

In the beginning, creator Matthew Weiner appeared intent on presenting an authentic period piece, a 360-degree view of life in the 1960s. There was an attempt to tap every angle, from the set designs, hairstyles and wardrobe to the societal morals and attitudes.

The visuals remain true to the original objectives. But Mad Men continues acting uncomfortable—or at least uncertain—in the emotional drama area. The series ultimately settles on pushing the easy buttons of sex and sexism.

Peggy Olson is the resident guinea pig for the chauvinistic pigs writing the episodes. She’s gone from secretary to mistress to cub copywriter to unwed mother to dysfunctional daughter to priest pal to Don Draper’s confidante and bail provider to disrespected teammate to getting her ass slapped by a coworker to showing up at a strip club and sitting in the lap of a client.

Mad Men isn’t mad or about Mad Ave. It’s just about men.

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