Monday, September 22, 2008

5973: Madison Avenue And The Color Line—10. Digressing To Address A Pet Peeve.

The fifth chapter of Madison Avenue and the Color Line by Jason Chambers featured adman Junius Edwards, who ran an advertising agency in the 1960s and 1970s. During a 1971 interview with a trade publication, Edwards remarked, “White teenagers have long regarded Negroes their own age as fashion trend setters. Fashion starts in the streets and filters up, not merely from youth to age, but from lower economic class to upper.” Now, for anyone who has ever worked in a minority shop, Edwards’ revelation is common knowledge. Indeed, most minority shops—and most minorities, for that matter—recognize the phenomenon continues today, due in great part to the influence of hip hop culture. Yet self-proclaimed futurist Marian Salzman still positions herself as the discoverer of wiggers on her website. Ironically, Salzman doesn’t recognize the trend for White folks to stumble upon something that’s been around forever and declare they invented it. Her online entry should include an asterisk and qualifier that reads: First White adwoman to belatedly notice wiggers. The futurist ought to spend more time studying the past. Hey, it will only cost about $40, which she’ll no doubt write off as a business expense.

This is the eleventh installment of MultiCultClassics’ running review of Madison Avenue and the Color Line by Jason Chambers. See the previous posts here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.


  1. One more thing that's been around forever.

    America's need for white validation.

    Agencies are just as guilty as her dumb ass.

  2. Anonymous11:48 AM

    This has been going on since Columbus claimed to have "discovered" America. In spite of the natives already living Here.

    However I will give her some slack since every Ad person who participates in "cool Hunting" I know right now swear they foresaw the whole return of skateboard relevency back in 2003. At the end of the day we are all in the perception business even if our own perceptions are Lazy, offensive and wrong.

  3. No black woman (or man) could be as clueless, stupid and state more irrelevant/obvious observations as insight as Maria Salzman and still collect a check from Fortune 500 companies on the regular.
