Wednesday, November 05, 2008

6124: What McCain Means To Mad Ave.

In the end, Senator John McCain offered powerful lessons for the ruling majority on Madison Avenue:

• The standard advertising methods are outdated and no longer effective.

• Inconsistent, unfocused campaign messages won’t stick with the public, and they’ll inevitably ignore or reject you.

• Ultimately selecting a contrived and patronizing slogan—America First—doesn’t work either. Folks see right through it.

• Scare tactics don’t motivate people to embrace you. Ditto negative ads.

• You’ll never connect with the “Average Joe” audience when you’re a multimillionaire and multi-homeowner.

• Irrelevant line extensions (e.g., Governor Sarah Palin) usually fail big time and diminish the main brand.

• Building your position on past heroics may inspire feelings of nostalgia, yet rarely leads to sales.

But even after royally fucking things up, if you’re an Old White Man with political connections, you’ll still be allowed to keep your cushy job, obscenely huge salary and eight mansions.


  1. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I totally agree with these.

    And the Republicans, traditionally speaking, have always been better at micro-targeting their audience and controlling the message. No more.

  2. Amen, bruh!

    Can you imagine if Obama didn't know the difference between Great Britain and the UK?

    Or if he had married into money like McCain.

    Im happy for Obama, truly i am, but look what he had to be to win. As Bill Maher said, "We'll vote for a black guy, but he has to be the absolute perfect black guy."

  3. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Well, if the GOP is smart, Obama just laid out the groundwork for how they can get their shit together in 2012. Playing to the base instead of reaching out for new voters is the biggest reason they lost. Second was playing the fear crowd to anyone outside that base.

    To sum up? Ass. Whooped.
