Tuesday, December 16, 2008

6259: Madison Avenue vs. Pennsylvania Avenue.

The Associated Press reported that Barack Obama renewed a commitment to diversity in his administration. Technically, President George W. Bush also created a diverse staff, as did most presidents in recent history. Funny, these scenarios never inspire reactions or excuses like the ones produced by Madison Avenue whenever the topic surfaces. No President ever whined about having to lower their standards. No Commander-In-Chief complained about a lack of qualified candidates. No Leader of the Free World was accused of being too politically correct. Guess Madison Avenue honchos view themselves as being above the highest office in the nation.

Obama Renews Pledge of Diversity

By The Associated Press

CHICAGO (AP) -- President-elect Barack Obama says he still plans to lead an administration that’s diverse not just ethnically, but also politically.

He was asked at a Chicago news conference about his pledge to include Republicans among his Cabinet appointments.

Obama said there are still more appointments to make -- and that in the end, he believes people will feel he’s followed through on his commitment to a diverse administration. He says that will include diversity in the life experience of the people he appoints.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates is the only known Republican in Obama’s Cabinet, though there are members of his foreign policy team who have not publicly declared their party affiliation.

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