Tuesday, January 13, 2009

6337: Lovers And Haters.

Hating the news in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Folks in St. Louis have a love-hate relationship with Black History Month. Actually, it’s a hate-love affair. Seems a school sent a flier home with kids that read, “Why I hate Black History Month.” The piece was intended to emphasize the need to celebrate Black culture all year long. But complaints from parents and others prompted a headline revision to, “Why I LOVE Black History Month.” Wow, talk about caving in to the critics. Bet the revised flier also spotlights Black inventors.

• The BBC reported President George W. Bush has an 80 percent approval rating. In Africa. In America, meanwhile, most citizens prefer to carry fliers titled, “Why I hate Dubya.” All year long.

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