Monday, January 26, 2009

6374: Trust Me, This Ain’t Reality In Advertising.

The only problem with TNT series Trust Me is the lack of reality probably rooted in the creators wanting to appear oh-so-liberal and progressive.

A Black account director working at a major advertising agency?

A female copywriter who has won Clios for Bud Light commercials?

What’s next—a White Chief Diversity Officer?


  1. Anonymous10:14 PM

    I have to watch a few of these. It's not high on my list of priorities but I will watch it eventually.

  2. I know a white female copywriter who won a Clio for Lowe's—back at DDB in the early 90s. Come to think of it, Ann Coyle won a bunch of stuff--she was a badass for about 5 years or so. not sure what she's doing these days...

    But for the rest of the show, it's basically our generation's 30something. Which means it'll suck, be navel-gazing and have very little to do with actual advertising.

  3. Wasn't questioning the depiction of a female copywriter winning a Clio; rather, that she won it for Bud Light—an account notorious for being a Boys' Club.

  4. Not "lowe's" actually, Anne did lots of the Bud Light stuff with George Geier---sorry about that. wrong client.

    but your point's valid. BL is still very much a "boy's club".

  5. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Finally caught it in a re-run. it was, well tame. I hiccuped a laugh or two (although that may have been a bud lite burp). For the most part it was a 5 on a scale of ten. Will I watch again probably. I like working in advertising that much. Sad but true statement I know. I did see one black guy lingering in the background of a creative meeting. It gave me hope. Much like the real life ad industry.
