Monday, March 09, 2009

6524: Across The Divide.

If you’re in Chicago between now and May 8, check out Across The Divide: Reconsidering The Other. Here’s the official blurb on the show:

Through the visions of this diverse roster of 16 contemporary artists, Across the Divide: Reconsidering the Other presents works of art that deal on some level with the nature of “otherness.” Either in subject or subtext, each work in this exhibition provides discourse on race, ethnicity, religion, geo-politics or socio-economics.

This exhibition does not pretend to provide answers. Its intent is to encourage us to look across the divide—whatever that barrier or gap might be—and examine where we stand on the matter. The exhibition’s goal is to provide civic space for the exchange of ideas, sparked by interaction with artworks.

Learn more here.

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