Tuesday, March 10, 2009

6528: Magilla Guerrilla.

This actual craigslist ad seeks gorilla marketers capable of designing for the Web. Clearly, familiarity with basic punctuation—like commas and periods—is not required. Oh, and the simian must be a rock star too. Wonder if the Cadbury Gorilla is available.

gorilla marketers web designers wanted

Reply to: dadancingman@aol.com
Date: 2009-03-10, 5:39AM CDT

you can design flyers and have good knowledge of facebook myspace etc must be able to go out and talk to people about our company looking for a rock star who wants a good chance to make some money with great incentives

1 comment:

  1. Well, between the gorilla marketing and the poor writing, it seems they're well on the way toward plagiarizing Shakespeare.
