Friday, April 03, 2009

6613: Free Diversions And Diversity.

Here’s a Friday double-feature presentation. Check The Five Deadly Venoms trailer. Then preview The Five Diversity Secrets starring Carmen Van Kerckhove.

You can catch the full show by signing up for Carmen’s FREE teleseminar:

The 5 Secrets You Must Know to Implement a Successful Diversity Strategy and Win the Respect of Your Organization.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009 at 5:00-6:00 pm EST

In this idea-packed teleseminar, you’ll discover how to:

• Uncover the self-sabotaging behaviors that get in the way of your own success.
• Overcome diversity fatigue at your organization.
• Frame the value of diversity in terms of your senior management’s priorities, instead of your own.
• Demonstrate to your senior leaders—in specific and measurable ways—how diversity can help achieve their key strategic initiatives.
• Become a trusted advisor to your senior management.

Phone lines for the FREE teleseminar are limited, so take five minutes and sign up. All you have to do is click here now.

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