Wednesday, June 03, 2009

6800: Strange Brews And News.

Starbucking in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Coffee shops in Southern California’s Little Saigon are busting out, serving Vietnamese brew and breasts. The baristas work in bikinis, lingerie and assorted forms of sexy outfits. One employee remarked, “I think it’s kind of like Starbucks meets Hooters.” Except there’s a totally different reaction when you order a grande.

• Ex-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was three days late and $3,500 short on last month’s payment ordered as a component of the criminal case that ousted him from power. Somebody check to see if he was in Little Saigon in May.

• Former Kmart chairman and CEO Joseph Antonini is being sued by five banks charging he defaulted on over $2.3 million in loans and promissory notes. When Kmart dumped Antonini in 1995, he collected $1.3 million in severance and a lifetime annual pension of $527,000. In other words, he’ll never be spotted shopping in Kmart.

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