Thursday, June 04, 2009

6803: Open And Honest Morons.

Speakers talking shit in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Newt Gingrich backpedaled on his remarks that Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor is a racist. “My initial reaction was strong and direct—perhaps too strong and too direct,” explained Gingrich. “The sentiment struck me as racist, and I said so. Since then, some who want to have an open and honest consideration of Judge Sotomayor’s fitness to serve on the nation’s highest court have been critical of my word choice.” Heaven forbid Gingrich would want to join an open and honest consideration.

• Senate committee members spanked automaker honchos for dumping dealerships. Senator John D. Rockefeller griped, “Let me be very clear—I don’t believe that companies should be allowed to take taxpayer funds for a bailout and then leave local dealers and their customers to fend for themselves with no real notice and no real help. It’s just plain wrong.” Wait until the committee sees how automakers treat multicultural advertising agencies.

• The good news: Walmart claims it will create 22,000 new jobs in 2009. The bad news: the jobs require working at Walmart.

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