Sunday, June 21, 2009

6862: Relivin’ La Vida Loca.

At The Big Tent, Laura Martinez wonders about the recent NBC “We The People” series that focused on Latino culture in the United States. The program presented many of the usual suspects—from Ricky Ricardo to Gloria Estefan to Shakira to Dora the Explorer—to show how Latinos are “changing the face of America.” Technically, Dora is changing the cartoon face of America. Wonder if the series paid homage to Terminator’s “Hasta la vista, baby,” or Bart Simpson’s “¡Ay, caramba!” Madison Avenue has certainly chipped in cultural contributions with the Frito Bandito and Taco Bell’s Mariachi Band—the former created by FCB and the latter by Draftfcb. Anyway, check out Martinez’s perspective here.

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