Tuesday, August 25, 2009

7040: Hold The Bun.

Late-night snacking in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• KFC is introducing a new “sandwich” in test markets, where the bun has been replaced by two fried chicken patties. The chicken surrounds bacon, cheese and sauce, and the item is called, “Double Down.” Can barely wait to see what audience Draftfcb will offend while marketing this mess.

• General Motors announced it will remove the “Mark of Excellence” logo from vehicles to place greater emphasis on individual brands. Also, “Mark of Excellence” is probably no longer a legally valid statement.

• A Black female technician filed a sexual- and racial-discrimination lawsuit against her former employer, Verizon. The woman charges the field office where she worked was a virtual frat house featuring blow-up dolls, pinups and group porn movie viewings—plus, coworkers once hung a noose in plain sight. Of course, Verizon vehemently denied the accusations. But that “Can You Hear Me Now?” dude definitely looks like a porn addict.

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