Tuesday, October 13, 2009

7172: Interracial Family Bonding.

Mom likes her coffee black. Dad likes his with plenty of cream. And the ad even ends with a reference to hot chocolate.


  1. we do such a bad job dealing with interracial relationships in the industry... i wonder how many people see this ad and don't think family but instead think:

    "blonde and some black dude with his kid?"


    "ooh... a freaky white girl. she's 'down'.!"


    "hmmm... they must be friends; maybe neighbors,even."

  2. Note the proximity. They made sure to leave "room" for a lot of interpretation. Not too close.

  3. The headline references family bonding and the copy indicates the product satisfies all the diverse tastes in your family. What's open to interpretation?

  4. J. Chambers12:51 PM

    Hmm, while I applaud the effort to at least recognize interracial relationships, I can't help but shake my head at this ham fisted effort. The sheer proximity between the individuals leaves too much room for interpretation.

  5. Why is everybody noting the "proximity" of the people? Mom has her hand on the son's shoulder in a mom-like fashion.
