Monday, October 05, 2009

7154: Monday Memorandum.

Monday multicultural mentions in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Condé Nast Publications announced plans to dump magazines including Gourmet, Modern Bride and Elegant Bride. If the publisher wants to make loot, they’ll replace the magazines with titles like Fast Food, Postponing Bride and Frugal Bride.

• The Tax Man cometh for Method Man. The artist was arrested for owing the IRS $32,799. Is that really such a big deal these days? Method Man is no Wesley Snipes.

• In New York, NAACP official Hazel Dukes sparked minor controversy when addressing Democratic controller nominee John Liu during a recent birthday celebration for Rev. Al Sharpton. Dukes remarked, “I see John Liu here—he’s been the little Asian boy running around with us a long time [in] the NAACP.” No word yet if Sharpton or the NAACP will be staging a protest.

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