Thursday, October 15, 2009

7174: Blog Action Day—Climate Change.

Climate Change is a growing cause of concern, especially as we increasingly believe human activities have contributed to the measurable shifts.

Yet there’s one spot on Earth where climate change has not happened at all: Madison Avenue.

For over 70 years, the advertising industry has remained completely static in the area of workplace diversity. Our business looks Whiter than the shrinking polar ice cap. You don’t have to be a global warming specialist or rocket scientist to recognize human inactivity has contributed to the total lack of measurable shifts in color and culture. The situation does not appear to be a growing cause of concern, especially for top-level executives who delegate matters to ADCOLOR® drones.

Agency leaders allegedly dedicated to company climate change will sporadically heat up the environment by releasing gaseous emissions—usually in the form of announcements for minority internships or inner-city youth outreach programs. But the inconvenient truth is, these initiatives have yielded few visible transformations.

Clients ultimately maintain the atmosphere’s composition by turning blind eyes and deaf ears to the matter. Despite pledging commitment to and embracing diversity in their own ranks, they continue partnering with enterprises where exclusivity pollutes the landscape. Plus, clients prohibit minority shops from going green—at least in terms of revenue—by denying them lucrative AOR status.

White adpeople and clients even blame natural factors for the unchanging world, insisting minorities prefer to pursue alternative sources of employment energy—like professional sports or musical entertainment.

Oddly enough, the Madison Avenue climate change phenomenon has not managed to draw the interest of Al Gore or Al Sharpton. Go figure.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you know what they say—

    "The only color that matters is green."
