Sunday, October 25, 2009

7196: Truth In Advertising…?

Adweek columnist Barbara Lippert wrote an odd piece on the New Yorker Festival panel titled, “Mad Men: Truth in Advertising.” To be clear, Lippert’s writing is not odd; rather, the event seemed peculiar. Moderator and New Yorker contributor Ken Auletta spoke with Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner, TBWA\Chiat\Day creative chief Lee Clow and Translation LLC founder and CEO Steve Stoute. Huh? What inspired someone to assemble this group? Weiner and Clow kinda make sense. But it’s unclear why Stoute would round out the trio. Lippert made zero references to him at all, except to list the dude as a participant. Another report on the event by The New York Times advertising columnist Stuart Elliott presented a few more sentences, yet offered nothing substantial from Stoute. If someone attended the soiree, please provide details. For now, it appears to be symbolic of the AMC series. That is, the minorities are bit players uncomfortably propped in the background. Too bad Sanford Moore is likely still recuperating from an auto accident. He would have made a more relevant and lively addition.


  1. Anonymous10:27 AM

    stoute looks like a deer in headlights. Seriously hes just there for token representation.

  2. Anonymous11:29 AM

    stoute was there as a representative of the next phase in advertisement. a quick google search will show you commentary from participants. he wound up stealing the show --

  3. Thanks, Anonymous 2.

    Couldn't find anything but the Adweek and NYT references (aside from event announcements). Will look harder. If it's true that Stoute stole the show, Lippert and Elliott short-changed him.
