Wednesday, December 02, 2009

7313: Wednesday Outs And Ins.

Bailing out in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• General Motors CEO Fritz Henderson was ejected from his position by the board of directors. “Fritz has done a remarkable job in leading the company through an unprecedented period of challenge and change,” said Ed Whitacre, the company’s government-picked chairman of the board. “While momentum has been building over the past several months, all involved agree that changes needed to be made.” Whatever. But check out the contextual advertising above hyping the Ford Fusion as 2010 Motor Trend Car of the Year. Ouch.

• Tiger Woods is suddenly facing a bunch of women claiming to be his mistresses, including at least one who allegedly has text messages to prove it. Hasn’t Woods ever heard of Kwame Kilpatrick? Maybe Nike will do a commercial with a series of hot women chanting, “I am Tiger Woods’ … mistress.”

• The State Dinner party crashers appear to be liars too. Surprise, surprise. After insisting during an NBC interview that they were invited to the event, a series of emails seems to clearly indicate they were not—and they knew they were not. If Tiger Woods has already received a citation for his car accident, isn’t it time to bring charges against the Salahis? Wonder if they’ll accept an invitation to the nearest police station.

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