Thursday, January 28, 2010

7478: Pine-Sol Powers On.

Things continue to get interesting at the Pepper Miller Pine-Sol post. Now Clorox executive Hank Mercier has chimed in to defend his advertising. His comments mirror those made in 2003 by Clorox executive Mary O’Connell and DDB executive Ken Dudwick. It’s clear that Clorox has worked to reach out to the Black community, and the efforts are commendable. Yet it’s difficult to understand the consistent denial that something is wrong. It’s also typical to see no one arriving at the ultimate realization that the collective cultural cluelessness of a client and its agency is a root cause of the problem—that is, this is a symptom of the industry’s exclusivity. Finally, it’s uncomfortable and unfortunate to think about actress Diane Amos, as she’s just doing her job and serving as a brand ambassador. But that’s the power of Pine-Sol, baby.

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