Tuesday, March 02, 2010

7558: Conventional Response.

MultiCultClassics’ Transformers entry was among the 8 winners presented during the 4A’s Transformation 2010 convention. Fellow blogger George Parker had a winning entry too. Both ideas will likely be ignored.

Thanks to Kipp Cheng for presenting.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:57 PM

    All talk and no action, these confrences are a absolute waste of time, not only was attendance low, but no one gave a damn about what nancy hill was saying. Nobody white cares about diversity if they did, things would change. Ask any white person what mgproject,adcolor, mosaic,one club adversity, youll get blank stares. Diversity organizations are created to keep blacks quiet and to soothe white consciences into thinking their not racist. These organizations are meaningless when it comes to hiring, and retention.
