Wednesday, July 07, 2010

7765: Choo-Choo And Coo-Coo.

A midweek MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Gary Coleman’s former in-laws want to take the late star’s ashes on a train trip. “There's been talk about taking Gary’s ashes with us on a train trip. Gary loves trains. Anybody that knows Gary knows that he’s an aficionado for trains,” said Coleman’s ex-father-in-law. Sounds like these fools are viewing Coleman as a financial gravy train.

• McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner defended the fast feeder’s use of toys in Happy Meals. A consumer advocacy group argued Mickey D’s entices kids to eat bad food with the lure of toys. Skinner argued, “Happy Meals are a fun treat, with right-sized, quality food choices.” Of course, the toys have more nutritional value than the food.

• Now Mel Gibson’s ex-girlfriend is claiming to have photos proving the superstar knocked out her front teeth during a spat. At this point, Gibson can probably kick-start his career by launching a reality TV show.

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