Tuesday, July 20, 2010

7798: A Beef With USDA.

Wanted to take a moment to elaborate on the scenario involving former USDA employee Shirley Sherrod. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack defended his decision to dump Sherrod with the following statement:

Yesterday, I asked for and accepted Ms. Sherrod’s resignation for two reasons. First, for the past 18 months, we have been working to turn the page on the sordid civil rights record at USDA and this controversy could make it more difficult to move forward on correcting injustices. Second, state rural development directors make many decisions and are often called to use their discretion. The controversy surrounding her comments would create situations where her decisions, rightly or wrongly, would be called into question making it difficult for her to bring jobs to Georgia.

Our policy is clear. There is zero tolerance for discrimination at USDA and we strongly condemn any act of discrimination against any person. We have a duty to ensure that when we provide services to the American people we do so in an equitable manner. But equally important is our duty to instill confidence in the American people that we are fair service providers.

Um, Vilsack admits his organization has spent the past 18 months “working to turn the page on the sordid civil rights record at USDA…” Then he follows through by declaring, “There is zero tolerance for discrimination at USDA…” Okey-doke. Seems like the first notable act USDA executed to demonstrate its zero tolerance policy involved firing a Black woman in a rush to judgment.

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