Monday, July 26, 2010

7821: Black Russian.

From The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review…

First black politician elected to office in Russia

By The Associated Press

Novozavidovo, Russia — People in this Russian town used to stare at Jean Gregoire Sagbo because they had never seen a black man. Now they say they see in him something equally rare — an honest politician.

Sagbo last month became the first black person to be elected to office in Russia.

In a country where racism is entrenched and often violent, Sagbo’s election as one of Novozavidovo’s 10 municipal councilors is a milestone. But among the town’s 10,000 people, the 48-year-old from the West African country of Benin is viewed simply a Russian who cares about the town in which he’s has lived for 21 years.

He’s promised to reduce drug addiction, clean up a polluted lake and deliver heating to homes.

“This is my home, my town. We can’t live like this,” Sagbo said.

“His skin is black, but he is Russian inside,” said Mayor Vyacheslav Arakelov. “The way he cares about this place, only a Russian can care.”

Russia’s black population hasn’t been officially counted, but some studies estimate about 40,000 “Afro-Russians.” Scores of them suffer racially motivated attacks every year — 49 in Moscow in 2009, according to the Moscow Protestant Chaplaincy Task Force on Racial Violence and Harassment, an advocacy group.

As a councilor, Sagbo has already scored some successes. He mobilized residents to turn dilapidated lots between buildings into colorful playgrounds with new swings and painted fences.

Sitting in the newly painted playground with her son, Irina Danilenko, 31, said it was the only improvement she has seen in the five years she has lived here.

“We don’t care about his race,” she said. “We consider him one of us.”

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