Monday, August 30, 2010

7923: Unfiltered Bullshit.

Don’t mean to beat a dead horse, but here’s another actual job listing seeking original Web content. The employer has the audacity to lecture about quality over quantity—while offering $5 per article (600-800 words) and $2.50 per blog post. Oh, and he’s seeking “fascinating articles on various water filtration methods and the benefits of healthy water.” This asshole deserves waterboarding.

Title: Long term article/blog writer needed
Project ID: 000000

Category: Writing, Editing & Translation
I am seeking a writer who can write informative, interesting, if not fascinating articles on various water filtration methods and the benefits of healthy water. If you are very good at writing about diverse subjects and enjoy this kind of writing, then we will enjoy working together. Obviously previous experience writing about water filtration will be valued.

The project consists of:

Writing new articles for specific keyword phrases that I provide to you. The articles will be in a simple text format (*.txt). I will supply a topic and a list of keyword phrases to base the writing of new articles on. The length of each article should be a minimum of 600 words and up to 800 (or a bit longer if necessary). The finished articles must be delivered free of spelling errors and grammatically correct.

Each new article will consist of:

1. A headline
2. A sub-headline (tag line)
3. Body copy

The main keyword phrase MUST be contained in the title of the article and in the first and last sentence of the article. Derivatives of the keyword phrase along with other related keywords (i.e. in the keyword list provided to you) should also be used a number of times in the main body of the article, but all additional usage should be natural and not forced. In other words, just write the article as if you are not trying to incorporate the keywords, but afterwards make sure that some of them made it into the body copy.

I will request that each writer submit 4 articles for a keyword phrase that I will supply and 2 blog posts as well (300-500 words on any topic you wish to do with water filtration).

Each candidate will be paid $5 per article and $2.50 per blog post for a total of $25 via safepay escrow. The final candidate(s) will be chosen based on their writing sample. The final candidate will be offered future work with us depending on the article quality. Remember when writing your sample – QUALITY IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN QUANTITY – Therefore do not rush in order to get an article in as quick as you can. High quality work will always be rewarded higher than quick work. These articles are to be written for everyday consumers, therefore, each article should avoid technical terms or explain technical terms with simple examples. Each article must be interesting and /or fascinating and provide the reader helpful hints or tips which they implement regarding the subject matter. Each article must provide at least one piece of information that is not common knowledge. Each article MUST BE ORIGINAL. All articles will be subjected to copyscape, therefore copyright will be penalized immediately. The style and voice of the article should be interesting, conversational, filled with everyday language and expressions. These articles are written for Middle America, you should explain things like explaining them to a child without talking down to the reader.


1) All work delivered must be original and absolutely not violate any copyright. Service Provider must agree to indemnify Buyer and take full responsibility for any costs of any copyright infringement action including damages and attorney's fees should they occur. This should be no problem if your work is original.

2) Service Provider agrees to keep the nature of his / her writing assignments and the fact that the articles will be published under the name of the Buyer strictly confidential.

3) All work shall be delivered to the Buyer in individual text files as the article is completed, and shall be spell checked, and fact checked.

4) All deliverables will be considered "work made for hire" under U.S. Copyright law. Seller will assign and Buyer will receive exclusive and complete copyrights to all work purchased. (No GPL, GNU, 3rd party components, etc. unless all copyright ramifications are explained AND AGREED TO by the buyer on the site per the coder's Seller Legal Agreement).

5) All work must start within 3 business days of award, and must be completed at a minimum rate of 3 completed articles per U.S. business day after the start date. To be clear on this point you will be expected to have e-mailed 3 separate article e-mail before 11:59 P.M. PST each business day excluding holidays.

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