Wednesday, September 29, 2010

8009: How Not To Make Money Blogging.

Here’s another job listing that shows why content on the Web sucks. The employer is paying less than $250 for five +400-word articles, including one titled, “How to Make Money Blogging.” Um, if you knew how to make money blogging, you wouldn’t have to take hack jobs paying sweatshop wages.

Title: Five Articles on Blogging
Project ID: 650902
Budget: Less than $250

Category: Writing, Editing & Translation
I need five 400-500 word informative articles on Blogging written. One article for each of the following topics:

How to Make Money Blogging
The Pros and Cons of Free Blogging
Should I Start a Personal Blog?
Blogging Tips
How Do I Increase My Blog Traffic?

Must be original and pass Copyscape.
Freelancer must a be native English speaker/writer.
Please bid for the entire project, not price per article.

Possibility for long-term partnership. Please inform me of your ability to write articles across a variety of industries, experience with producing online content, sample of work if available, turnaround time, etc.

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