Sunday, October 17, 2010

8074: Mad Men Mention.

The final episode of AMC series Mad Men presented a few scenarios that reflected the advertising industry today.

First, longtime housekeeper Carla was fired. To her credit, Carla stood her ground and maintained her professionalism while Betty Draper flipped out. As always, creator Matthew Weiner portrays the few Black characters on the show with a certain respectful, heroic quality. Regardless, the minorities on Mad Men—like their modern-day counterparts on Madison Avenue—ultimately get the shaft.

Second, Harry Crane hit on an acquaintance of Peggy Olson, damn near giving her a job without even knowing her qualifications. This represented the kind of hiring practices still present in our industry now.

Third, Don Draper fucked his secretary again while vacationing with her in California. While his girlfriend was in New York. Then Draper asked the secretary to marry him. Next, he dumped the girlfriend. This spectacle demonstrated how White men abuse their power and authority to get whatever they want. OK, that last point might not be completely relevant to our present business environment. Or maybe it is.

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