Saturday, October 23, 2010

8092: Appealing Rejections.

Weekend News in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• The Nevada Supreme Court rejected O.J. Simpson’s appeal. “This is but the first step in a very long line of appeals that Mr. Simpson has before him,” said one of Simpson’s attorneys. And yet another day Simpson is denied the ability to hunt for ex-wife Nicole’s real killers.

• Irate NPR listeners are responding to Juan Williams’ firing by curbing donations to radio stations nationwide, prompting board members to comment. “I agree with the principle, but am not happy with the execution,” said an NPR board member about the termination. “The execution was very poorly timed. You have a lot of stations who are in fund drive mode now and that’s making it difficult.” Or maybe NPR should make a fundraising appeal to Muslims.

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