Tuesday, November 02, 2010

8119: Fake Ribs And Real Ribbing.

Electing to cover the news with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Forget the elections, today marks the limited return of Mickey D’s McRib. The press coverage associated with the event demonstrates the power of McDonald’s PR department—as well as the low culinary standards of the American public.

• Despite nearly $8 billion in charges associated with the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster, BP announced the company is profitable again. BP must be selling cooking oil to Mickey D’s.

• T.I. reported to an Arkansas prison to serve 11 months for probation violation. Look for the rapper to return to profitability within 11 months or sooner.

• The Girl Scouts of the USA decided to continue making its uniforms in America after people protested upon learning of competitive bids being taken from overseas manufacturers. So no brown people will be sewing Brownie uniforms.

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