Tuesday, November 09, 2010

8144: Miscellaneous Mumbo Jumbo.

Miscellany in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• The first licensed clothing line commemorating the Jackson 5 will launch in February 2011. Look for plenty of clumsy tie-ins with Black History Month.

• General Motors is firing Mr. Goodwrench. Despite 37 years of serving as GM’s dealer service icon, the character will be eliminated February 1, 2011. Great, dump him on the first day of Black History Month.

• A conservative Muslim government minister in Indonesia sparked controversy for shaking hands with First Lady Michelle Obama. The official has historically flaunted his conservatism, saying he avoids contact with women not related to him. Now the man is claiming Michelle Obama forced him to shake her hand. Whatever. This scenario will no doubt completely confuse the group of Americans who believe President Obama is a Muslim.

• Former BP Chief Tony Hayward admitted during a recent interview that the oil company was unprepared for the Deepwater Horizon disaster and the media frenzy it generated. Gee, thanks, Tony. Although the majority of people on Earth could have told you that around, oh, April 20, 2010.

• Sources indicate the initial findings of President Obama’s independent commission into what caused the Deepwater Horizon disaster will support many of the conclusions BP made in its own internal investigation. Hey, somebody make sure Tony Hayward gets copies of both reports.

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