Wednesday, November 17, 2010

8171: Publicis’ Poop.

Anyone who can explain the concept behind this advertisement deserves a special ADCOLOR® Award.


  1. Is this how the view the black advertising professionals?

    Maybe this is how they see the future and this is why we have so many youth initiatives? The young are the only viable way to integrate advertising?

    I don't know I tried to explain it. I give up.

  2. Actually, the concept was probably attempting to communicate that ADCOLOR® honorees are inspirational to minority kids. The problem is, the dark photograph—along with the kid’s expression—is too somber and serious. It looks like she’s from a low-income community or even a developing nation. Plus, ADCOLOR® is supposed to be multicultural. So why only show a Black kid? Overall, it’s just plain hideous.

  3. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Adcolor is the black version of the cannes festival nobody in the advertising community cares or knows about. I bet if u brought up adcolor in a publicis meeting you get a deer in the headlights look. So ironic. What does a adcolor award mean, when diversity #s are worse than they were in the 60s. Someone please enlighten me. adcolor= advertising for colored peoples award? I dont get it. People running that show must now they are pawns, but hey they are getting paid right?

  4. A Black version of the Cannes Festival? No way. It’s closer to being another Mosaic Awards with a few random celebrities.
