Friday, November 19, 2010

8182: Senate Countdown To Zero.

From The Chicago Sun-Times…

U.S. Sen. Burris: ‘This is simply unacceptable’
THE ZERO EFFECT | Roland Burris is leaving as the only black U.S. senator—and in his farewell speech, he calls this fact ‘troubling’

By Lynn Sweet

There will be no African Americans in the U.S. Senate when he leaves office at the end of the month, a fact outgoing Sen. Roland Burris called “unacceptable” and “troubling” in his farewell speech Thursday.

Burris, the only African American in the Senate, will be replaced Nov. 29 by Rep. Mark Kirk, who won election earlier this month to a six-year term starting next year and also for the several weeks remaining of President Obama’s original Senate term.

Burris delivered his remarks at noon to a nearly empty Senate chamber—at the most there were four senators plus Burris and Senate staffers. The small crowd included an old friend from Illinois, Terrance Gainer, the former director of the Illinois State Police who is now the Senate sergeant at arms.

Burris did not mention the controversy surrounding his appointment by the impeached and now-convicted former Gov. Rod Blagojevich. And while he thanked Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Senate staff down to the waiters, Burris made no mention of Illinois’ senior senator, Dick Durbin. Because of the uproar surrounding his appointment from the tainted Blagojevich, Durbin and Burris never became close.

Durbin was not present for the speech, although he did meet with Kirk to discuss Illinois issues where they could work across the aisle together.

When Burris was done, New Mexico’s two Democratic senators gave him hugs: Tom Udall, who like Burris is a former state attorney general, and Jeff Bingaman. Burris was also embraced by Gainer and Nancy Erickson, the secretary of the Senate.

Burris wore a red tie and red handkerchief for his last Senate speech after more than 22 months in office.

“Throughout 220 years of Senate history and 111 Congresses, only six black Americans have been able to serve,” Burris said. “This is troubling in its own right.”

Of the six, three are from Illinois and Chicago Democrats: former Sen. Carol Moseley Braun, Obama and Burris.

“When the 112th Congress is sworn in this coming January, there will not be a single black American who takes the oath of office in this chamber,” Burris said.

“This is simply unacceptable. We can—and we will—and we must do better.

“In this regard, and in any other, our political progress has proven less accessible—and less representative—than it ought to be, and although I have never allowed my race to define me, in a sense, it has meant that my constituency as a United States senator has stretched far beyond the boundaries of Illinois,” he said.

“Letters, e-mails, telephone calls have poured in to my office from black Americans from all across the country. And at times, as I have tried to bring their voices into this chamber, I have acutely felt the absence of any other black person to represent them,” Burris said.

Burris also took aim at the partisanship that has gridlocked the Senate.

“Our government hardly resembles the diverse country it was elected to represent. Partisan bickering has driven moderates out of both parties and made principle compromise more difficult for those who remain.

“Too often, our politics seems to have become a zero-sum game.

“It’s easy for people to feel that the best argument, or the plainest truth, won’t necessarily win the day any more. And such a destructive political environment, people are often left wondering who will speak up for them,” he said.

Burris also urged passage of the controversial “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” legislation to allow gay men and lesbians to openly serve in the military. He said he hopes he can vote for it before he leaves.

He is so in favor of the measure to let soldiers serve no matter their sexual orientation—he just might come back after his term ends, he quipped: “Don’t be surprised if I don’t come back because I’m from Chicago, and I’ll vote twice.”

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