Friday, December 10, 2010

8246: Joking Jackasses.

Friday Night Funnies in a MultiCultClassics Monologue...

• An Alabama storeowner is perplexed over all the controversy sparked by his sign that read, “BBQ PORK RESTURANT (sic) IS SAFEST NO MUSLIMS INSIDE.” The storeowner insisted that the message—intended to be a lighthearted joke—was actually true. “Muslims do not eat pork,” explained the man. “It’s a known fact that Muslims have tried to commit crimes in this country.” He also claimed, “I have gotten a few complaints about it, but for every one complaint about it I’ve had, 10 people tell me that they like it and support it.” Well, he is in Alabama.

• Kathy Griffin is on the defensive after sparking controversy with comments made during a recent performance aimed at Bristol Palin. The D-List comic joked that Palin had “gained 30 pounds” and looked like “the white Precious.” Although critics thought Griffin was unfunny and offensive, she refused to apologize. “I made several scandalous jokes, as I like to do—and I stand by all of them,” said Griffin. “There’s a big difference between being a comedian and bullying. It is a job. It’s what we do.” If it’s a comedian’s job to be offensive, then Michael Richards should have been promoted to CEO of Comedy Central.

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