Wednesday, February 09, 2011

8487: Delayed WTF 12—What’s Being Done?

MultiCultClassics is often occupied with real work. As a result, a handful of events occur without the expected blog commentary. This limited series—Delayed WTF—seeks to make belated amends for the absence of malice.

The recent Advertising Age coverage on diversity-related topics featured a section spotlighting the efforts designed to foster industry inclusiveness. The initiatives essentially fall into three categories: minority youth outreach programs, segregated award shows and bullshit.

It’s worth noting that most of the efforts are barely five years old, despite the fact that the dearth of diversity on Madison Avenue has been publicly recognized since at least the 1950s.

Also worth noting is the lack of White participation. Yeah, some of the organizations might claim to have White people lending support, but it all appears to be more examples of delegating diversity. And, of course, there are no programs to reprogram Whites, whether through diversity training or electro-shock therapy.

A better headline for the Ad Age section might have been “WTF?”—or maybe “What’s Going On?”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Some of these black diversity people are just as fraudulent even more fraudulent then their white execs that send them out to do their dirty work.
    They'll look you dead in the eye and act fake and tell you their making "progress".lol

    Diversity is a meaningless gesture.Diversity organizations are meaningless. Even the adcolor award show, is a sham. Lets give these black people fake shine and make them think their doing something. The black folks that go along with this stuff are more guilty than the white execs. Because they know the game thats being run on them. They get paid to run around with a "kick me" sign.
