Wednesday, March 02, 2011

8573: One (Colored) Job For America.

Advertising Age published a column by Rich Silverstein, hyping a movement called One Job For America. The project was hatched by Silverstein and his wife, and it has a simple objective: To ask every business, large and small, to create one new job. Um, did Goodby Silverstein & Partners satisfy their part of the goal by naming ex-Adweek columnist Barbara Lippert as the agency’s curator of popular culture? Regardless, it’s a noble endeavor. A number of shops—including DDB Worldwide, Eleven Inc., Heat, M&C Saatchi, The Martin Agency, Ted Perez+Associates, Tribal DDB and Wieden+Kennedy—have already pledged to participate. But there’s a better way that Madison Avenue could contribute to the cause. Forget merely fabricating a single employment opportunity. Every White advertising agency should strive to hire a senior-level minority. Not an inner-city student, receptionist, executive assistant, mailroom attendant, security officer, elevator operator, custodian or chief diversity officer. And stop taking the easy way out with recent college graduates, colored internship programs and other assorted token gestures. Rather, sign on a bona fide, honest-to-goodness minority and award him/her a title and authority. As Silverstein wrote: “It’s an idea that allows us to be responsible citizens, and it gives us hope that we can participate in making this world a better one. Hope seeps into the collective imagination.” Keep hope alive!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:23 AM

    If these white execs put even 10% of their energy into solving this diversity mess, it would be solved in a heartbeat. But they dont give a damn about diversity. Think about it, jeffy goodby rich silverstein, droga, greenbergy at r/ga, lee clow, ddb, dan wieden have more power and sway than a all the diversity efforts combined. But why change. They choose not to care. Let the blacks do all the work.

    You could have 1 million tiffany warrens and diversity officers they would have no effect on changing diversity. But you could have dan wieden or lee clow say one statement and I bet it could change the industry forever in terms of diversity. Thats if he cares. Will that day ever come. maybe.

    Also hiring 1 person is not a ground breaking idea. These ad guys are so good in PR and trying to make it seem like they have a soul and heart.Total BS!
