Monday, March 28, 2011

8659: Draftfcb SVP Is Mucho Loco.

Adweek featured a special advertising section on Hispanic Marketing, presenting the stereotypical promotional primer on targeting Latinos. In a story titled, “The Segment Caliente,” reporter Mike Hammer spoke with Draftfcb SVP-Director of Multicultural Strategic Planning Ken Muench, who gushed about his agency’s work for State Farm. According to Muench, a recent Draftfcb study showed that Whites were regarded as having the lowest credibility among ethnic groups, while Latinos ranked the highest. Muench declared, “We leveraged that information and utilized a Hispanic male in one of our most successful insurance campaigns on TV.”

Um, not so fast, amigo.

That particular spokesman—Eddie Matos—is one of the most hated commercial critters around. Google “State Farm Douche Bag” and the search results reveal it all. There are Facebook pages dedicated to dissing him—along with tweets, blogs, YouTube videos and more. Sorry, but Matos may ultimately succeed in completely reversing the Draftfcb study data.

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