Monday, April 11, 2011

8692: Men Are Liars. Admen Are Bigger Liars.

A new study by DDB Worldwide found that single men under the age of 45 are most likely to cheat on their federal income tax returns. DDB also found respondents displayed an “overall willingness to engage in other unethical and illegal behavior.” For example, the cheaters said they would lie about income to qualify for government aid and falsely collect unemployment benefits; plus, they would knowingly file bogus insurance claims or fib about discovering weird stuff in their food to score a free meal. DDB likely excluded advertising executives from the survey, per the customary procedures for such research projects. Otherwise, the figures would have skyrocketed to include intentionally overbilling clients, engaging in shady acts to win new business pitches, creating scam campaigns for award shows, blatant adultery, slandering peers and fabricating fake commitments to diversity.

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