Thursday, April 14, 2011

8703: Apps And Ass.

Late-Breaking News in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Apple is hyping the upcoming release of the White iPhone 4. Sure, the company can’t meet iPad demands, but there’s no problem delivering the White iPhone.

• Kobe Bryant will officially contest his $100,000 fine for directing an anti-gay slur at a referee, saying the appeal is “standard protocol.” Well, Bryant better hope the judges don’t go to the replay to make the final call. Bryant also said, “The comment that I made, even though it wasn’t meant in the way it was perceived to be, is nonetheless wrong, so it’s important to own that. … The concern that I have is for those that follow what I say and are inspired by how I play or look to me as a role model or whatever it is, for them not to take what is said as a message of hate or a license to degrade or embarrass or tease. That’s something I don’t want to see happen. It’s important for me to talk about that issue because it’s OK to be who you are, and I don’t want this issue to be a part of something or to magnify something that shouldn’t be.” Don’t worry, Kobe, the public has always known you’re an immature prick with a mean streak.


  1. OK, I'm no fan of the arrogant maid-rapist known as the Black Mamba, but $100K for saying "fag"? That's ridiculous and illustrative of what is wrong with this country. I will defend Kobe's right to get angry and spout off whatever comes to his lips in the heat of a game. When you are fined that kind of money (only because you have it) for saying what is commonly said in private among both gay and straight men, you are playing games with words.

  2. Well, it depends upon one’s perspective on the slur in question. For many, it is among the worst for its category or group — just as the N-word is a no-no for referring to Blacks, the C-word gets women upset, the K-word and/or praising Hitler will win few fans in the Jewish community, etc. If, say, Pau Gasol had cursed Bennie Adams with the N-word, he would have received a $100,000 fine and been required to meet with Jesse Jackson for sensitivity training — or worse. Why couldn’t Bryant have used some of the more standard curses: asshole, shithead or even motherfucker? Bryant is actually fanning the flames by appealing the fine. As you say, he can afford it. Hell, $100,000 is probably a lot less than he paid his wife after his hotel affair was revealed. Instead, he opens himself to more ridicule, including having people bring up his alleged rape of a hotel employee (where he was technically proven innocent). It goes to show that Bryant is not the brightest bulb on the bench. And he likely deserves all the punishment he receives here.
