Friday, April 22, 2011

8727: Bad News On Good Friday.

Denying reality with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• No, the photo above is not Donald Rumsfeld in drag. Rather, it’s the racist Republican who continues to insist she’s not racist, despite sending racist emails featuring President Obama as a chimp. “I think it’s only racist when the intent in my heart is to make it that way,” said the racist. She added, “And that was not the intent in my heart.” Um, what about what was in your racist head? Sorry, racists don’t get to decide if they’re racist.

• A new poll shows Americans are more pessimistic about the economy than at any time since President Obama’s first two months in the White House. However, racist citizens are more convinced they are not racists than at any time since Obama took office.

• Adman Luke Sullivan is leaving GSD&M to become the advertising department chairman at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Wonder if the Old White Guy will create an internship program for minority students. Hey, that would be original.

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